Daily Ideas
For Daily Ideas delivered to your mobile each weekday morning, join our WhatsApp community. Keep reading for more Daily Ideas for Estate Agents.
The Daily Idea Habit
I’ve committed to sending you a Daily Idea from Monday to Friday for the foreseeable future.
And the best way to get the most from these ideas is to create a little habit around them.
One suggestion is to pin this group so it’s easy to find on your phone (it puts the group at the top of your feed.
Click on a message from the group, swipe right and select Pin – you can only have three pinned groups at any one time.
Next week’s ideas will be around getting more Google Reviews for your agency.
The Cleaning Habit
Nick Cheshire of Nest in Essex, whom we heard from yesterday, shared another of his best working habits.
Nick said: “This is nothing groundbreaking, but it works for me. I clear everything off my desk when I finish for the day, so it is nice and clean when I get in. For me, a clean desk is a clean head (even if it is just scooping it all into a drawer).
Habitual Preparation
One of the best young agency owners in the UK is Nick Cheshire of Nest in Essex. He’s a lovely fella, too.
His idea is this: “I get one of my young sons to prepare loads of our valuation packs, so we have a cupboard full of them. We grab them walking out the door, saves loads of time, creates consistency and keeps our lad in pocket money.”
Habit expert James Clear’s overarching principle is that by making habits easy and reducing barriers to action, you increase your chances of success and make it easier to build long-term habits.
Habit Stacking
Michelle Gallagher of JDG Estate Agents is a double national Agency of the Year winner.
She has a stack of good habits around preparing for valuations.
She said: “All my prep for today’s valuation was completed yesterday.
“All my callbacks and follow-ups are done the same day (99% of the time).
“This ensures I start the day without having to chase my tail or try and rush everything on a morning before I start valuations and client meetings.
“I also like to ensure I am in the office at least 30 minutes early each day so I have a calmer start to each morning, again preventing feeling rushed.”
Getting Good Habits
Daily Ideas Designs WhatsAppWeb 2024 Welcome to the first of many Daily Ideas. This week’s theme is developing good habits. We’ll be learning from some of the best agents in the UK.
But let’s kick off with a heads up about the High Priest of Habits – American author James Clear. His book Atomic Habits is well worth getting.
And his weekly email – 3 – 2 – 1 Thursday is the most useful I receive. To sign up for it, visit: https://tinyurl.com/ywhbx23m