I Have a Confession to Make

“The business needs to work around the customer’s needs, not the other way around.”

I can’t remember exactly who said the above – but it stuck in my head.

He was Australian, it was on an agency podcast, and he spoke about most hotels having systems that made their lives easier rather than their guests.

His point was the best businesses put in the extra graft to make their customers’ lives easier.

How is your agency making your clients’ lives easier / better?

My Confession

One example of this approach is something we did this week for our clients.

We created a 12-page guide to combatting condensation for landlords and tenants. We sold loads on the first day of launch.

Big deal, I hear you mutter.

But we soon realised this guide wasn’t all it could be for our clients because we’d combined it for tenants and landlords.

The reason – well, honestly, it was because it was easier to do our end and not as expensive to create two versions.

My Mistake

I felt we’d cut a corner under my direction and weren’t giving our clients the best possible product.

So, we returned to our clients on the same day of launch, telling them to hold fire as we had an idea to improve it.

We rewrote, edited, and redesigned it to become two separate eight-page guides – one created with tenants in mind and one focused solely on landlords.

The response from the agents who bought the first combined guide was brilliant.

They understood we were putting our money and time where our mouth was and thinking of their best interests and outcomes.

It cost us more time and money but was worth every penny and every minute spent doing it.

So, let me repeat that earlier question: How is your agency making your clients’ lives easier / better?

Food for thought for 2024.

And on that note, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas.


PS: If you want to find out if the guides are available for your area (they are £200 VAT for the set).

PPS: No Midweek Marketing Magic next week – I’ll have overdosed on a lethal combination of Doritos, Celebrations, and cocktail sausages.