Email Nurturing Magic

If you use a free valuation tool or need a proven way of
warming up new leads, keep watching

You wouldn’t ask someone to marry you 💍 on a first date, would you?

Chances are they’d make an excuse about needing the loo, and you’d never see them again.

Find out more
by watching the video here

It’s the same when dealing with new leads.

They often need warming up, and our super series of ten nurture emails and bonus text messages are the perfect way to turn them from cold to red-hot enquiries.

We’ve been writing for estate agents since 2015. So, we know what works and what doesn’t.

And the series of emails and texts we’ve created is designed around your potential client’s pain points.

For a chat about the difference our Email Nurturing Magic Packs can have on your lead conversion rates, get in touch, and I’ll guide you through it.

And don’t forget – like everything else we do here, Email Nurturing Magic Packs are exclusive to one agent per area.

Sales pack from £150+VAT*
Lettings pack from £150+VAT*

*Subject to area availability

“Everything Jerry and his team create is well thought out and designed to win instructions.”

Abigail Grey
Grey & Co
Over 210 5-Star Reviews

If this all sounds like a bit of what your agency is after, enquire now to see if your postcode area is available

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