Now That’s A Good Idea

Since January 1st, I’ve shared a Daily Idea on social media and within our members’ Whats App Groups.

At the time of this article’s publication, we’re up to 159.

I’ve collated five below to give you a flavour of the kind of marketing, mindset and development ideas we share.

From creating a captivating Wall of Fame to showcasing client stories through engaging video stories, optimising coaching techniques, organising efficient moving folders, and streamlining email communication, these ideas can help your agency stand out and achieve better results.

Daily Idea

Wall of Fame

I saw an eye-catching Linkedin post from a Proptech supplier showing their Wall of Fame.

It featured the logos of agencies they are working with.

This gave me the idea that agents could do something similar in their offices.

Many of you do key handover photos and post these on social media when a completion happens.

Why not (with the client’s permission, of course) create a Wall of Fame?

It is more eye-catching than a board full of thank-you cards (which is undoubtedly better than nothing).

It’s a great bit of social proof.

Daily Idea

Lights, Camera, Action, Story

Today I’m off to appear on Matt Lee’s and Chris England’s excellent Making Video Your Business show.

And seeing as I’ll be talking about video marketing estate agencies ……….

I’ve had an idea that agents could / should consider creating a video story with a client they served throughout a sale.

The idea is (with the client’s written permission, of course) to chart each step, as it happens, of the selling process.

It will work best if it shows the ups and downs and NOT just being a puffed-up PR piece.

Show how challenges are overcome, where problems arise, and the emotional investment that ALL good agents put into getting their clients the best results.

Once the story has been created, it can be used repeatedly.

So, when done well (get in experts like Matt and Chris to do it), I’m confident it will provide a very healthy marketing ROI.

Daily Idea


Our daughter’s football coach is excellent.

He’s committed, hard-working, and intelligent, and he improves all the players he coaches.

I was chatting with him the other day and asked him about his approach to the coaching sessions he puts on. They are always outstanding, and the girls are fully engaged and focused.

 He told me about PDR, which they learn in football coaching courses.

Plan – Plan the session out and establish what the key objectives for the players are.

Do – Simple. Do what you planned.

Review – Take time after the session to see what worked, what didn’t and what can be improved.

But the key is he does it – religiously. And the results are there to be seen. The team are outstanding and now only plays against boys’ teams to improve their standards.

This PDR approach can apply to anything within your business and is something I’m looking to introduce to ours.

Daily Idea

Getting Move Ready

I liked this little tip I saw from Charlotte and Carol Bryson recently.

Advise home sellers/buyers to create a moving folder in their email set-up or on their PC to store anything related to their sale/purchase.

Daily Idea

To Email or to Call? That is the question

I like most of what the Aussie agency coach Josh Phegan says.

Especially his thoughts on emails.

In his opinion, if it’s more than two sentences long, it’s a phone call. I agree, although I can be guilty of overly long emails when a call would work better.

That said, I prefer voice messages or Loom videos as communication methods.


To stay up to date with my Daily Ideas, follow me on Instagram ( or connect on LinkedIn or our Facebook group

Thanks for reading,
