The Power of Persistence: 365 Days of Ideas and the Lessons Learned

On January 1, 2023, I set out to share 365 Daily Ideas.

On Sunday, December 31, that goal was achieved.

Over 2023 I shared ideas on marketing, mindsets, prospecting, organisation, health and much more besides.

Here are ten things I’ve learned from the experience.

1)         Discipline is a habit – doing something every day requires discipline – this has taught me that discipline isn’t a skill; it’s a habit.

2)         Planning works– Life became much easier whenever I had prepared and planned the following week’s ideas.

3)         Accountability works – Knowing that I’d made a visible commitment to people (my clients / social media contacts) meant that, in my mind, I had to do it as I was accountable to them for showing up every day.

4)         Consistency creates calmness – Knowing I had to share a Daily Idea each day calmed me, creating predictability in my often unpredictable working days.

5)         Gurus chat rubbish – I see some ‘experts’ going on about no days off, hustle, hustle, hustle – utter b0llocks. When I missed a day’s Daily Idea (through sickness or something else), I did two the following day. No one died because of it.

6)         Keep showing up – many ideas received no reaction on social media. It would’ve been easy to give up, but I’d made a goal and was determined to achieve it.

7)         Avoid vanity metrics – Following up from point 6. We can all fall into the trap of putting too much importance on likes, shares, comments, etc. In my experience, an email or DM/text from someone interested in or inspired by an idea is worth 100 random thumbs up.

8)         Archiving and organising – By doing this for 365 days and keeping things organised, I now have the content for a book, a daily email campaign for the next 12 months, and a library of potential video content, and I’ve learned loads.

9)         The Power of focus – Knowing that I’d committed to sharing a Daily Idea throughout 2023, my brain became unconsciously tuned to seek and identify ideas quickly. Some ideas would turn up exactly when I needed them.

10)       One Idea Leads to Another – For 2024, I’ll be sharing a more in-depth Weekly Idea, which I’ve dubbed (for now) ….The Weekly Idea. I’ll delve deeper into 52 of the best ideas from the past 12 months. This will replace Midweek Marketing Magic – I’m confident it will be more helpful, practical, and implementable.

And that’s all folks.

Happy New Year.


PS: If educating your audience and establishing your agency as your area’s property experts is one of your resolutions in 2024, check out our guides.