The Super Six: Qualities Shared by Outstanding Estate Agents

Since 2010, I’ve been working exclusively with estate agents.

During that time, I’ve witnessed the good, bad and ugly of the agency world.

I’ve also been lucky enough to work with some of the best agents in the UK – from serial agency of the year winners, market share leaders, community champions and highly successful operators.

Below are six similarities they share based on my experience working with them and getting to know them.

  1. Curious Cats – One thing about the very best is they don’t act like know-it-alls. A great example of this was at an event we hosted in February. Four of the best agents I’ve met were on one of the tables. I noticed they were all taking notes – most of the time. Across from them was an agent who I know was (and still is) struggling and blaming everything and everyone for their lack of success. He was constantly on his phone and wasn’t paying attention to any of the speakers.
  2. Rave Reviews – All of the best agencies score highly on Google reviews. Some of the elite operators have high three and four figures and 4.6 – 4.8 averages out of five, which is phenomenal. If success leaves clues, then reviews reward consistent effort and excellence.
  3. Act Fast – Many of the best agents are the earliest of early adopters. Be that realising the power of a website before their competition did or embracing content marketing while others thought it a fad. They implement ideas more quickly than their rivals and aren’t afraid to stop doing stuff that’s not working.
  4. Attention to Detail with a Big Picture – The best letting agency we’ve worked with is obsessed with seemingly the smallest aspects of the language and words they use when communicating. Attention to detail is something the best share, but it’s also added to a big-picture outlook. I’ve lost count of the times that elite agency leaders have said, “But in the long run, it’ll be worth it / the right thing / the best thing.” They’re thinking in years, not weeks.
  5. Community Counts – This point is again on two fronts. The best agents realise their responsibilities as businesses operating in their local communities. In my experience, they are thoughtful and generous about getting involved with local groups, events and campaigns. Another community-related point is that they all seem to be surrounded by like-minded, ambitious agents – be that informally or through groups and networks.
  6. Good People – When I look at the list of the best agents I’ve worked with, no one stands out as a d!ckhead. They are all good people, in my opinion. They treat others respectfully, are generous with their time and stick to their word. The flip side of that is the agents I’ve worked fleetingly with, who aren’t very good, are often self-centred, greedy and make false promises.

In summary, the top estate agents are curious, understand the power of reviews, take quick action and have finely tuned attention to detail.

They’re also champions of their communities and, above all, genuinely good people.

I’ve been lucky to learn from them.

Thanks for reading.
