The Three Most Underrated Agents You Should Check Out

I coined a phrase last year that there were a lot of agents doing the rounds on social media that were more ‘high profile than high performance.’

You’ll have your own opinions on this, but my take is that there’s a clique in the industry that gets WAY more attention than they deserve.

The estate agency industry has more ‘legends’ than the complete collection of Dungeons and Dragons!

Don’t get me wrong. There are high-profile agencies well worth following.

I’m thinking of Storeys of Cheshire, Location Location, JDG Estate Agents, and Paramount Properties.

However, several get platitudes and a platform with more to do with who they know in terms of industry bodies and training companies than what they know.

These fall into the James Corden Category, AKA they leave you thinking, ‘Why are they getting so much attention? They’re not all that?’

With that in mind and probably having p!ssed a few people off, here are three agents you probably haven’t heard of but who are well worth checking out.

Nick Cheshire – Nest in Essex.

One of the younger generation of exceptional agents.

Nick’s a grafter, and despite having more experience in the industry than, his youthful looks reveal he’s still fresh-thinking and full of new ideas.

He’s constantly pushing for better client service and ways to enhance the experience of using his agency.

I visited his office in Rayleigh, Essex, a while back, and it’s a great representation of how differently he sees the world of estate agency compared to others.

Plus, he knows how to do clever stuff with 3D printing, which blows my mind.

Aaron Kirk – The Property Cloud

I’ve worked with Aaron for years and enjoyed seeing his agency grow and its progress.

He’s another one who is always looking for new ways of making estate agency better—a genuinely good guy, too.

He is very community minded as his neighbourhood events around Christmas times and his local hero competition recently highlighted.

He is generous with his support for other agents and is getting better and better at video content by the week.

Andrew Sharpe – Sure Property

Burton-based Andrew is probably the best organised estate agency owner I know when structuring his content.

That may have a lot to do with his background as an engineer.

Unlike most of the overrated agents I’ve come across, he’s quiet and unassuming but driven and again, and this is a theme with these three, he’s tech savvy.

These guys have a lot in common, and one of the most striking things in my experience is their humility.

Some agents think they deserve recognition for simply working out how to record themselves talking or taking selfies at boring industry events.

Another similarity is that their marketing is designed to help their potential clients rather than rub their own egos.

Their humility drives their performance and improves their ability because they’re not know-it-alls.

Instead, they are in the camp of wanting to know it all (as much as is humanly possible).

So, if you’re looking for fresh, forward thinkers, these three are worth checking out and noting.

Thanks for reading.


PS: If you’re offended by anything written in this article – tough.