What are estate agents really selling?

A two-minute read on how estate agents can create the most valuable asset they’ll ever own.

As estate agents, you sell houses, right?

As letting agents, you find landlords and place the best tenants in their properties, correct?

But before you do any of that, surely you must sell something integral to any successful relationship – TRUST.

When I’ve instructed agents in the past, integrity and honesty were the most important things I needed to feel I would be getting from them.

I also wanted good results, obviously.

Trust is my number one must-have for anyone I do business with, and it’s the same for many people.

You could have the best doctor in the world giving you advice, but if you didn’t trust their motives, you’d forever be second-guessing their diagnosis and guidance.

But how do you sell trust as an estate agent?

Here are seven brief thoughts, but I’m sure you have some of your own, and I’d be interested to hear everyone’s ideas.

1) Google It – Having lots of good Google Reviews creates trust.

2) SAS Your Email – Having your SAS photo on your email signature – Creates recognition – people like looking at people; we’re hard-wired to do this and make judgements based upon what we see, so it’s good to look SAS, Smart and Smiling. You could also consider a link that people can click on that takes them to you introducing yourself.

3) Award Wins – Now, this will be a contentious one for some, but being able to show you’ve been recognised by external experts who think you are great at what you do builds a sense of authority and a familiar bedfellow with trust. In my opinion, there are only two industry competitions worth winning.

4) PIE charts – probably even more divisive than awards, but clearly showing that you have the largest market share / least days on the market in an area- will go a long way to reassuring many sellers and landlords you must know what you are doing. And don’t forget there are different ways to make these charts work to your strong points – Price achieved, lowest fall through rates, etc. The key is to explain the why behind your piece of the pie.

5) FaceTime –Put your face (or your team’s) on your boards, especially if you work in a small community where ‘people know people.’

6) Get Involved – If you are aiming to be the community agency, what are you doing to show you’re living your values? Being seen to be helping the local community is a win-win move and builds trust and brand likeability.

7) Content Marketing Matters. I’m biased, but if you regularly publish articles, videos, guides and information that is helpful, interesting, trustworthy, and sustained (HITS), you will become front of mind for people looking for or recommending a local agent. The key is to show up consistently. It’s a surefire way of becoming known, liked, and ultimately trusted.

Thanks for your time. I appreciate it.


PS: To secure a four-week free trial of everything the Estate Agent Content Club has to offer, email Amanda@estateagentcontent.co.uk