A World First for Estate Agency Marketing

Are you missing a massive market of potential clients?

Late last year, my family got some news that rocked us.

My 10-year-old daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia.

She’s a bright, funny, sports-loving kid, but both my partner and I were aware that her spelling, in particular, wasn’t good. Especially because she’s always been a very quick learner.

Presented with this news, we started researching how we could help her to achieve her potential while working with her learning difference (note I didn’t say learning difficulty).

I was scrolling the British Dyslexia Association’s (BDA) website when a massive light bulb switched on in my head.

Let me explain why.

According to the BDA, more than 10% of the UK’s population has dyslexia.

That’s more than 6 million people.

All with one thing in common (hopefully) – they all have a roof over their heads.

When you drill down the numbers, it’s easy to see that your agency will most likely have clients who are dyslexic.

You’ll definitely have potential buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants who are.

And these people may never engage or instruct you if you don’t get smart about including their learning styles within your marketing and content.

A how-to guide

Based on what I learned and not wanting my daughter or anyone else to feel like they’re being left out, we created a guide for estate agents.

It’s to help agents make their marketing and communications more accessible to people with dyslexia.
As far as I can see, it’s a world first for estate agency marketing.

The guide covers the do’s and don’ts of creating content for dyslexic people.

Things like spacing, fonts, writing styles and using other communication techniques, like voice notes and video messaging.

There’s plenty more useful tips and techniques within the guide.

It’s easy to do

Implementing changes in your communications, content and marketing is surprisingly easy to do.

For me, it’s a business no-brainer, as well as the right thing to do ethically.

No doubt many of our rivals will follow suit – they usually do.

But in this instance, I’d encourage them to do so; this is a bigger issue than trivial industry rivalries.

We launch the guide to our Estate Agent Content Club members next week.

Available to all

As the subject matter is something I feel strongly about, we’ll also be open-sourcing the guide to non-members later this month.

If you want to receive a copy of it when it’s released to the wider industry, email me.

Thanks for reading.
