High Profile V High Performance? Which Type of Agent Are You?

Since the start of 2023, I’ve been sharing daily ideas on social media, which are aimed at helping estate agents build better businesses.

Below is a summary of three recent ideas we’ve shared.

  1. Discover the power of the Doormat Business Plan to convey your agency’s purpose in just a few words.
  2. Learn how to create happiness for yourself and your clients.
  3. Explore the difference between high-profile and high-performance agents.

Let’s go.

Daily Idea 104

The Doormat Business Plan

I’ve mentioned David Hieatt’s great book Do Purpose before.

It’s full of easy-to-digest advice about ‘why businesses with a purpose do better and matter more.’

One of the ideas that leap out is The Doormat Business Plan.

His point is that you pay per word when you order a personalised doormat.

So imagine you have to make your business plan fit that doormat but convey what your agency is about in the fewest possible words.

Trust me. Condensing anything meaningful down to so few words requires a load of thinking.

But it’s potent when done well.

Here are examples from some well-known brands.

Patagonia – Higher Quality – Lower Impact

Google – Faster, More Relevant Search

Kickstarter – Change Funding of Ideas

And a couple of our brands summed up:

Estate Agent Content Club – Making Agents’ Lives Easier

Ethical Agent Network – Helping Ethical Agents Succeed

What would your agency’s doormat say to encapsulate the essence of what you do?

Daily Idea 105

In the Pursuit of Happiness

I’ve recently been reading and listening to a fascinating guy called Mo Gawdat.

Mo is a super-intelligent, successful man who headed up Google’s legendary Google X department.

He’s got some interesting thoughts about how AI will shape our futures, but he’s also written a brilliant book called Solve for Happy.

It lays out in a logical and organised way how we can create happier lives.

One of the key parts of his process is creating a Happy List – the things that make you happy.

I wrote my list down the other day, and it features things like:

•              A good cup of black coffee

•              Watching my daughter play football

•              Cuddling my dog in the morning

•              Going for a run

•              Getting a five-star Google Review

•              Waking up early when I feel like it

The list goes on and is something Mo encourages people to add to.

This got me thinking about happiness and client service.

What makes our clients happy?

For us, it’s things like surprising them with a gift when they weren’t expecting it.

Sending them a private message to check in if we know they’re going through a tough time.

Delivering our service exactly when we say we will.

Again, the list goes on and is something we’ll look to keep adding to.

When selling or renting a home, what’s on your client’s Happy List?

It’s also an exercise I recommend anyone do as it’s enlightening personally and professionally.

Daily Idea 106

High Profile V High Performance

Many agents do a great job of being all over social media. They’re high profile.

But when you dig a little deeper many of them are not doing that great a job of the job they’re paid to do.

On the other hand, there are agents who just get on with delivering exceptional service and results for their clients. They’re high-performance.

One of the best agents in the UK, who flies under the social media radar, put it simply– ‘I only care about what my clients and accountant thinks of me.’

Don’t get me wrong. There are agents who are both high-profile AND high-performance.

But what’s the difference between them, and how do you know it? Here are some thoughts.

•              Well, the amount of five-star Google Reviews they have are a great indicator.

•              Awards can highlight who’s walking the walk, not just talking about it.

•              Stats can be beneficial here too.

•              Companies House indicates ‘who’s making it and who’s faking it’ (that line was in a Hip Hop song from ages ago and has always stuck in my head.)

In what ways does your agency highlight its performance so that prospective clients trust you to deliver for them?

Want More?

If you’ve found these tips helpful, follow me on LinkedIn, or Facebook (Estate Agent Content Community), to keep up with more Daily Ideas that can inspire and elevate your agency.

Thanks for reading.
